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  1. Aiylana


    Fræya grew up in a beautiful farmhouse in Lothlórien. Her mother was a farmer, and her father a merchant, so he worked away very often. She received a quality education, being one of the most dedicated students in her class, all throughout school. When she was 8, her mother died, and she was left alone with her father. After a while, her father went away on a business trip, and didn't return. She never saw him again. She lived alone for a period of time, but the farm became unprofitable and she had to move away. Fræya travelled everywhere that she could, where she embarked on many adventures, and learned many skills. On her 20th birthday, she received news of her father's death, and the farm was legally passed down to her. She has spent the previous 7 years renovating it, but is now ready to travel again. She is extremely excited to begin her newest adventure, and to meet many new people.
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