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  • Character Name
    Calypso Fergusson
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  1. SafetyWaffles


    Calypso was born to two peasants from Haense. After a lethal mugging, Cal was orphaned at a young age, but a hedge knight named Fergus found the boy and took him in. Cal looked up to Fergus as a hero and wished to be a knight like him. Fergus approved of Cal’s dream and trained him when he could. By age 16, Cal was trained in basic combat with a polearm. One day, Fergus was hired by Elvenessse to be stationed at an outpost in the wilderness along with other mercenaries. He decided to bring Cal with him, believing it would be a good experience for Cal in knighthood. He could train Cal as much as they wanted and teach him survival skills. He didn’t expect the assignment to be eventful. A few weeks in, the outpost was attacked by a band of orcs, and Cal and Fergus were the only survivors. With no horses, they couldn’t travel safely through the jungle. Cal believed help would arrive from the elven kingdom, but Fergus was not as hopeful. When what was left of their supplies began running low, Fergus took it upon himself to brave the jungle and look for help. Fergus wanted Cal to stay at the camp, where it would be safer, and he would return with help once he found it. Fergus never returned. Alone and out of supplies, Cal lost hope in help ever arriving. He thought Elvenessse would send troops to the station after hearing about the attack to check for survivors, but Cal realized that the kingdom must not care enough about a few lowly hedge knights. Cal felt that as a mercenary, no kingdom would truly value him as a soldier. With no more food in the camp, Cal picked up a spear and headed into the jungle to hunt. As the years passed, Cal grew accustomed to living in the dangerous jungle. He became skilled in combat against both creatures and people. He occasionally leaves the jungle to visit civilization, but he has lived in the wilderness for the past six years. Because of the attack, Cal is greatly afraid of fighting large groups and is distrustful of elves and especially orcs. Having lived in the wilderness for six years, Cal is exceptionally nimble and agile, and a great climber. Cal’s weapon of choice is a bardiche (a polearm with a long, curved, vertical blade), but he is also capable with a sword, dagger, or bow. Cal wears a metal glove because of an injury to his left arm from the attack resulting in him losing some feeling and making it somewhat weaker. He uses it to his advantage in combat when he can.
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