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Everything posted by Avalon09

  1. Avalon09


    Apollo was born in Almaris, parents and siblings unknown as he was an orphan who grew up alone in the woods fending for himself with no Seed to claim him. Though judging from his appearance it can be assumed that he comes from a mixed heritage, made apparent from his lighter complexation and blue eyes. Apollo is a wood elf who is skilled in archery and dealing with Flora. He is a mysterious being who doesn't really talk much due to his underdeveloped social skills. Though when he was younger he met a girl, a little younger than him, but with a personality unlike any he had seen before. She was another elf, though while he belonged to the Wood Elf lineage, she hailed from the high Elf bloodline. Her name was Luna, she was curious about him and didn't really give him a chance not be friends with her, as she was persistent on befriending him. She taught him a great many things about the outside world, along with English and mathematics, everything that was completely foreign to him. Though as they got older Luna parted ways to find herself and this resulted in them splitting apart. However, they have plans of reuniting again in future, but for now he explores and keeps to himself, not really interacting with anyone but nature, all while counting down the days until he is able to see Luna again.
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