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Posts posted by PrincetDime

  1. Bella would hum happily at the massive, a smile curling her lips. "Yong Ping was always a place Oi though' Oi'd love ter live... so's havin' 'em as friends ter Rozania..." She trails off, smile only growing. Then she folds the missive, sticks it in a pocket of her skirt, and gets back to work.

  2. 59 minutes ago, WrathOfQuacken said:

    A copy of the missive ended up on William's desk as he enjoyed his early morning coffee, only then realizing that the mug he was drinking from belonged to The Wandering Pebble... he contemplated whether he should bring it back, or did Bella forget about it. He hoped it was the latter, for he liked the mug.

    Bella would pause as she took stock and put away mugs. Something felt... off... about the count, but she couldn't figure out how or why. Seems Will gets to keep his newly-acquired mug! So long as Bella doesn't remember that he promised to bring it back...

  3. ~~The Wandering Pebble~~


    Outside the gates of Rozania rests a homestead - a small field, a quaint barn, and a cozy tavern-home. If not for the sign boasting its name above the door, the building could be mistaken for simply just a home.




    This quiet little tavern is run by a pair of redheaded halflings: Belladonna Proudfoot and Delphi Wanderfoot. They pride the tavern on its home-brewed menu and their specials. Bella uses her culimancy to brew enhanced tea and enhanced booze, allowing the drinker to feel special emotions; Delphi uses her creativity to brew a new drink every batch, meaning it can be just about anything!




    Roshu Wantu (2 mina): Tequila with cactus juice - allegedly hallucinogenic.


    A Good Night (2 mina): Home-brewed mead spiced with cinnamon.


    Slicky Snibbler (3 mina): Thick, syrupy cherry drink that is deceptively alcoholic.


    Lucky Pebble (1 mina): A simple shot of vodka, served with a “pebble” of ice.


    Night Glow (2 mina): Berry vodka in honor of The Flagship Night Glow.


    Keet'zo's Cocoa (1 mina): Hot chocolate with a mountain of 'mallows.


    Delphi’s Special (3 mina): It’s a surprise! Delphi likes to make a different drink each time she restocks, so you’ll have to ask the barkeep.

    Past Specials: Belle Delphi Specialty Water


    Bella’s Special (4 mina): Ingredients allowing, Bella can make a special booze or tea enhanced with Housemagery!






    The tavern can be found in the East, past Yong Ping.

    (OOC: Coordinates to the door are -876 / 95 / -472)


    ~~Contact the Brewmistresses~~



    Have questions about The Wandering Pebble? Want to know more about Delphi's Special or Bella's Special? Have a drink or a food you want sold? The lassies are just a bird away!

    (OOC: Delphi's IGN is Frogger16; Bella's IGN is PrincetDime)

  4. Bella would smile a tired smile at the news, doing her best to be happy despite a gnawing worry that maybe she'll never be able to find proper peace anywhere.


    After a whispered prayer for the Diona they had seen hanging from the gallows, Siomun goes to enjoy cactus by the campfire for the first time since before the war began. "Should have another fes'ival! Ter celebra'e!"

  5. Siomun would perk up to see that the teashop was officially opened. "Would be good... Siomun needs more good. Will come back with mina." Then they go off in a hurry, excited for something to cling to that would distract themselves from the war.


    "Otter's teashop is open now?" Belladonna would pause her continued preparations, looking to her own tea supplies, and hum. "S'pose Oi should go check 'em ou'. Make sure wha'e'ver Oi make isn' goin' ter stray inter 'is realm."

  6. Belladonna would busy herself by preparing for her tavern's opening, wanting nothing more than to forget the sight of all those bodies. "No' e'en a season has passed since t'is began..." She'd pause her preparations, her bottle-making and drink-brewing, just to take a moment to cry. The moment turned into an hour.


    Siomun would keep themselves huddled in their bed at home, quietly mumbling to themselves that their natshen will keep them safe.

  7. Bella would frown as she read the missive, twirling the ends of her braid with her free hand. "Lad's no' wrong..." She then lets out a sigh and sets the missive to the side, shaking her head. "Bu' we've go' ter much for us in Rozania now ter be rethinkin' our loyal'ies."

  8. Bella would snicker at the news. "Well, wen' from real cheap ter real free real quick. S'pose tha' means Oi'll be makin' donashuns as Oi can."


    "Siomun doesn' know wha' taxes means..." They pause, thinking. "Will ask natshen."

  9. In the dah’Rini district of Rozania's capital, a small form would be curled on a mat, clutching two differently-sized masks to their chest. One would fit an adult human; one would fit a child - or a halfling. The figure itself looked to be the size of a child, hunkered under a blue robe.

    “Siomun’s sorry,” the figure mumbled, voice thick with tears and snot. Their own mask was set to the side, round face discolored red from how long they’d been crying. Their eyes were shut tight, face contorted in pain, as they just sobbed.

    When a crack sounded out, Siomun's eyes flew open. He stared, horrified, at the smaller mask. It was now in two pieces, split down the middle. “P-Purin?”

    More tears came, and he hugged the masks to him tighter than before, not caring if he somehow got splinters from the split birch. “S-Siomun’s sorry… sorry…”

    His thoughts were a flurry, mixing between what may have happened all those years ago and what happened in the capital city just last season.



    “Where’s the heathen? The one who procreates with non-humans? Tell us or we ransack your stall.”

    “She’s- she’s a good person.”

    A cold, cruel laugh rang out.

    “She needs to meet justice for her crimes.”

    When the merchant hesitated, one of the figures put a hand on their sword.


    Siomun’s head was filled with the clanking he was surrounded with when those same figures moved to find Brawly, but now they were moving to find his parents.


    Then Siomun saw the tent he lived in with his parents, could hear the pair talking inside, and knew where his mind was going.

    But it couldn’t be stopped.

    The tent was slashed open, revealing his human mother and halfling father.

    Kill them and take what you want.



    Siomun would start to furiously shake their head, preferring the pain it caused over what their brain was coming up with. “Siomun’s sorry!” They cried out, new sobs coming as fresh tears streamed down their cheeks.

    When the pain of lashing their head became too much, they simply curled into themselves tighter, accepting that their ears would ring with the clanking of the metal and the cruel laughter they had heard.

    That their nose would sting from the smell of their parents' corpses, found by them much later in the day.

    That their hands would tingle from the feel of the sand as they attempted to give them a burial, too scared and numb to even think of asking for help.

    He would fall into an uneasy sleep, still mumbling apologies to the masks, body exhausted from the crying but mind still tormenting him.

  10. Belladonna grins at a very particular part of the coronation information - the smacking part. "Oi'm goin' ter ge' teh back o' 'is knees for threa'enin' ter shear me." She pauses. "An' Oi'll gif' 'em some'in', ter, Oi s'pose..." Though she trails off, the halfling does go to look through her various collection of items to find something that would be suitable.


    Siomun wouldn't be interested in the event at all, mumbling something to himself.

  11. Siomun would grin brightly behind his mask when he finds the first flyer in the city. "Firs' fes'ival in Rozania~! Firs' fes'ival in Rozania~!" He does a little happy dance.


    Belladonna hums at the invite, smiling. "S'pose tha' means Oi should go ge' me mask from Hefrumm, jus' in case Mellow's wearin' 'is. Bu'... Oi wonder who's goin' ter ge' tha' hand mask..."

  12. "So's... wha' Oi'm readin' is... Oi can' smack anyone with me smackin' stick, bu' Oi've a' leas' no' go' ter join teh KAR? Ge'in' mixed emoshuns from t'ese laws." Bella taps her bigg'un smackin' stick against her leg as she reads over the official laws.


    Siomun stares at the laws for a while, reading over it several times. "Will need ter talk ter natshen... Siomun has queshuns."

  13. MC Name:



    Character's Name:

             Belladonna Proudfoot


    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:



    Link to your accepted MA:



    What magic(s) will you be teaching?

             Housemagery and Culimancy


    Describe this magic or a creature as a whole:


    Housemagery and Culimancy are a Domestic magic that cannot be used for major character damage or major character healing. Nothing done with either magic can cause permanent harm or boons, as they are meant to add flavor to RP and characters. It's a non-voidal magic, using mana found from within. This mana is not inexhaustible; in the early times of learning, headaches will be common as the caster becomes accustomed to finding, utilizing, and expending their mana. The only way to recover is to rest for the mana to naturally replenish itself.


    Are there different sections or subsections of magic? Can those be elaborated upon?


    Housemagery is meant for use in the person's home (or a home they are welcome in) to ease housework, entertain guests, and (if necessary) defend the housemage while in the home. The most "combative" it can get is when defending the housemage in their home - but it can't be used to seriously harm or kill anyone. It ranges from creating mana-colored sparks to gifting life to a small, inanimate object.

    Culimancy focuses specifically on food and drink. The more skilled the culimancer gets, the better and more specialized they can make their foods and drinks. It can be used to give temporary buffs to a persona by using specific ingredients and mixing in mana to bring out the magic in it. These buffs cannot be permanent or overwhelm a persona's true nature, and they don't last long.


    Can you give an example of a casting emote, of a spell of your choice?



    Belladonna would take in a deep breath, shutting her eyes as she did. "Righ' t'en... le's ge' t'ese snaccies ready." With a flick of her wrist, her fresh-grown carrots floated to the cutting board on a gentle breeze of blue coils, her special knife drifting over and setting to work on cutting them just right. When she opened her eyes, her blue eyes would be glowing green, and she smiles as she watches her mana get to work on preparing the next batch of snaccies for her shop.


    Can you give an example of a teaching-emote (interacting with another) of a spell of your choice?



    "Alrigh', lad. Nex' spell is illumina'e. Feel yer mana, deep in yerself. Find 't firs'." Belladonna watches her student close their eyes, hand clenching and unclenching in the way she's learned that they focus on their mana pool. "Good. Form 't inter a ball - some'in' hard an' round. When Oi was learnin', 't was me da's mead tha' rolled in on 'tself ter form teh ball." Her student nods. "Once 't's rolled in, clench yer fis'. Tigh'ly. T'en open yer 'and." They nod once more, then clench their fist tightly. They hold it. Then they open their hand, showing a faint orange ball of light. "Open yer eyes, lad. Ye've done 't."


    Say your student powergames during or after teaching, how do you reprimand that?


    I would call them out immediately and remind them of what powergaming is - and why it makes RP less immersive and fun for everyone involved. For a Housemagery example, if they made a wooden spoon smack someone without them having the chance to emote against it, I would let them know in LOOC to void and re-emote. For a Culimancy example, if they stated RPly that a drink would for sure cause emotions, I would let them know that it's actually something to inform the player of OOCly to let them decide if it does or doesn't affect their persona.


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep the ST updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Have you applied to teach this magic on this character before, and had it denied? If so, link the app.


  14. MC Name:



    Character's Name:



    Character's Age:



    Character's Race:

             Halfling-Human mix


    What magic(s) will you be learning?



    Teacher's MC Name:

             Self Teach Book


    Teacher's RP Name:

             Self Teach Book


    Do you have a magic(s) you are dropping due to this app? If so, link it:



    Do you agree to keep Story updated on the status of your magic app?:



    Are you aware that if this magic is shelved, that you may no longer use it in character?


  15. Belladonna had a mix of emotions reading the letter. Her and Will's relationship was never smooth or easy to explain. But what he wrote to her? It solidified that the past was the past. So she picked up her pen and wrote a response:


    "King William Buckfort,

    You and your daughter both will be seeing me more. I plan to follow Delphi wherever she may go, which means following to Sarissa as well. I was uncertain at first, given our history, but I trust you to lead Sarissa to greatness. Depending on how spacious Del's place is (and whether Per will let me), I may not need that burrow you offered.


    Sarissa Forever,

    Belladonna Proudfoot"




    Siomun read the letter with a smile hidden by their bamboo mask, but they decided to not respond to it. Mellow would likely respond, and as natshen, that would be enough.

  16. Bella would learn of this event through the Sarissa camp - and have a load of mixed feelings about it. "Haven' 'ad a chance ter really mourn mos' o' t'ose Oi've los'... could be a good time ter."


    The masked traveler and doctor-in-training Siomun would hear of the event through the grapevine. "Siomun likes this idea. Sounds like good fesi'val." They nod in approval of it. "Maybe if 't ge's held again."

  17. Belladonna sees the notice on her way to get supplies for her newly-approved cottages. She frowns behind her iron mask. "Delphi's teh Sheriff now...? Be'er check on her an' make sure she's alrigh'." She promptly turns and heads for her friends' burrow.

  18. Donna-Bell would sigh at the list and shake her head. "Love me mam, bu'... I don' think this lis' is possible. I really should've jus' found meself Knoxville 'stead of Talon's Por' before I se'led here..."

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