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About PyroPrince

  • Birthday 12/26/2004

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  1. PyroPrince


    Upon a time, two elven teenagers fell in strong love with one another. The father was Named Gaius who was quite the man of wise words infatuated in the world & power of herbal potions as his worked made him a great Physician although he welded a great power of Voidal Magic woven into his blood. The mother, Hunith was a woman who loved to cook & bake as her profession was a farmer. Years went by, until one day they had a child and gave him the great name Merlin. Merlin had no family but his mother, father & uncle. Merlin always seemed fascinated by his father Gaius's work but most of the time he felt the herbal mixing was boring until the final product. The boys uncle was a bad man, he always ended up in jail for many crimes but the boys mother could not push him away as Merlin grew a fold attachment to his uncle having fun times playing games & playing tricks on the old people within many other kingdoms such as Norland & Haelun'or. Merlin passed by many years learning, growing & asking more & more questions. Merlin was 15 and he had asked some of the hardest questions not even the elders could answer, Merlin felt he wanted answers to all questions that came his way, he would not stop until he found his answer, yet his family thought he was a very odd child besides his father. His father saw much power & knowledge within his son, so he took his son on one of his adventures to collect herbs found in dangerous forests. A knight was assigned to protect the two as they went to collect their herbs, until from the shadows a mysterious monster snatched the knight from the trees, Merlin's father tried to grab a knife to protect his son but the monster had killed Merlin's father Gaius but Merlin knew he had to leave fast so he sprinted back home not looking back. But when Merlin came home, he had found his uncle being burnt by the streak by the Knights.. His mother felt deeply sad & guilty as she had reported Merlin's uncle for all his crimes. Merlin lived the next few years depressed from the people he has lost along the way of life, but it held him back not at the slightest as he would want to make his Father proud. So Merlin took what he had leaned & perused the work of his father to help and cure those sick & in need of help of a Physician. We shall wait to see what this young man of 24 years of age will accomplish..
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