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  1. He lived in a small cottage with his mom (just them) outside Johannesburg. His Grandfather had died in the Coalition War and his dad died when he was 4 years old, no one knows how he died. He doesn't know what his dad did or wich side he was on because his mom would never talk about it. Everithing was great untill he was 10 he was in a big crowd with his mom. They got sepperated and then he heard a loaud scream. He ran towards it and saw his mom brutaly murdered. He ran away so fast he could and bump't in to a guy with red hair that took him under his wings and learned to steal. But both had a good heart and only took from the rich. Aftera couple of years he was nearly 37 years the guy/adobtive father fell sick and died 1 year later. So deeply deppresed after loosing both his parents he began a journy to flee from his emotions.
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