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  1. Mourtzouphlos


    Born the third son of a well to do mayor in a small hamlet near the settlement of Redenford, Mackenzie’s was raised as a devot cannonist boy. From a young age his life was determined by his parents to be that of a priest, for he was not the first, nor second son so there would be no inheritance for him, his father’s shoes were already filled by the feet of his older brothers. No aspiring noble ladies would be found for him to marry. For what use is the third-son when the first is all you need. As such he was condemned to a life of serving God, and a life of priesthood to follow. For the way of the cloth was not a life to aspire to him Mackenzie’s , as his brother’s would go out and hunt boar with his father he would be total to read scripture in the dimly lit basements of the local church. The musty smell of air and dust filling his lungs as he toiled away day in and out, his hands smacked by that thachts of monks whenever he goof’d off. This was his life till near the age of 15. It was total by his parents that upon his 16th birthday he would be sent off to a monastery just north of Southbridge to write scrolls and scripture till his fingers fell off. But this was a fate he determined himself not to fall too and instead upon the dusk of the 3rd before his 16th birthday, he set off from his family home and fled the land his native lands. For several weeks he wandered the land till he found home in a small village known as Elisyum, a different world from his home lands of Redenford within the Orenian Empire. He know found himself living among the brutes and savages of the northern waste lands. Around the fires the town would dance a night worshiping some demonic beast. But it was within these lands that he found himself free from the burden of his past. It was here within these golden wheat fields he found love, meeting a young lady known as Rose Mc’Cain a fair haired young lady a true beauty. But their love together was not to last long, for it was upon her golden locks so did a lord of the land set his sights, proclaiming for himself that she was to be his love. With another haunting past it was now at the age of 23, Mackenzie found himself once again upon the road, his boots worn more then when he had left his homeland, less coin and less himself he once again set out to find his destiny.
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