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  1. Jaden1


    rylee was born in a small village located in the realm of elveness and she wasnt too poor but being the worse part of her villiage made her a laughing stock and had to resort to stealing to survive from a young age. Rylee grew up stealing and such which it worked she didnt get caught but as she grew up she saw that people started noticing their food and belongings were gone. So the people band together and make a plan to leave objects just out in the open and wait for someone to steal them. so the town can catch them and it works they catch someone else that isnt rylee and the town thinks they caught their thief but rylee saw this all happen and she thought this could be her and stops stealing and trys to make friends but everyone is too prideful to make friends with a commoner so rylee works and studies so that she can get a job and stuff so she can make money to make friends and this is where we pick up rylee's story right after she finishes school and this is where rylee's adventure begins.
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