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Everything posted by Kimera24

  1. Kimera24


    Dhalia lived for most of her childhood in Lareh'thilln with her rich family, composed of her brother and her parents. In that time, she really enjoyed living in a wealthy house, her mother and father were so kind with her and his brother, even though these two were away on business for most of the time, they usually bought the two everything they wanted. Dhalia was and still is really intelligent, even though the lessons... the classmates... and even the teachers weren't of her liking, she still did pretty well at her private school (Even though her attitude wasn't the best) Sadly, little she knew that her life would turn upside down shortly thereafter. One day, she and her brother were preparing for a recital, in fact, she tried to learn how to play the piano just for that situation, sadly, being a total failure at it, while her brother tried to learn the violin, showing a lot of improvement in little time! On the day of the recital, Dhalia and her brother had an argument about Dhalia not being good enough to perform, resulting in her accidentally pushing him down the stairs, killing him. in her shock, she started crying, but noone came, because their parents were still away from work... When her parents came back from work, they saw a little pile of dirt in front of their house, near the pile... Dhalia was looking at it sobbing. There her brother rests in peace. From the age of 12 to 18, Dhalia did mostly nothing, Partly because of her grief, and partly because she didn't know what to do, well yes, she was indeed intelligent... but that's it. Her parents kept asking her to marry a rich man, so that the family's wealth would not end as time went on, sadly for them, after that incident, she REALLY hates rich people in general, she doesn't even know why, she just... hates them with all her heart, thinking that they are nothing but money chasers that don't care about people's feelings. Eventually, one night, while her parents were, as usual, at work, Dhalia escaped leaving no trace, with her she took only her mother's spare robes and two daggers from his father that the latter kept in the closet to counteract any possible thieves coming into his house, too bad that he would not have imagined that... his daughter at that moment, really become one of them! Now she's traveling around the globe, in search of someone interested in her story that would forgive her for the thing she did that day, in the meantime, she earns money doing.... not so legal stuff!
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