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Sorra The Unusual

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  1. Sorra The Unusual


    Sorra was born in a small elven village, to parents who never wanted/planned for him. As an only child, for as long as he can remember, he was tormented by them, starved and beaten. Every now and then his Mother would be kind to him, only to throw it back in his face shortly after, adding to his distress and confusion, making him mentally wounded and unstable at times. Often left alone to wander the streets while his parents were out doing god knows what, Sorra would often come to a lake and think about running away, reading books and learning the best he could with no actual education. In the end, knowing he didn't have the courage to make the escape. Sorra learnt to hide his sadness with positive thoughts, faking the happiness until it stuck, almost like a second personality. In Sorra's late teenage years (18), he finally had enough of the constant abuse from his parents. With no formal education or experience of the real world beyond his village, he set off on a journey to find where he fits in, and what the world beyond his village has in store. Obviously, having no outside knowledge of Almaris and wars/factions he would encounter.
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