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  1. Sherman Grew up as a farmers boy outside Elysium. as he was growing up his father considered himself an "adventurer" even though he never left the farm. his father loved to tell story's of his adventures that always seemed too far fetched, because of this Sherman never believed his stories of the red faith. Sherman was always a very honest child and hated the fact that his father always lied about going on these grand adventures when he knew that he never left the farm. because of this Sherman became a heavy drinker at the young age of 12, always drinking what alcohol he could find. his father never seemed to mind this though. As Sherman was growing older he found himself getting into more and more bizarre situations. being attacked by Spooks and Norlands almost on a daily basis. because of this he left his family farm at the age of 17 so they wouldn't get caught up in an attack from the animals. he wanted to find a person that could explain why these Creatures kept attacking him for no reason. His friend Freya told him of someone who works with a bunch of potions and trinkets that might be able to help him. So Sherman set out to find someone of that nature. Freya gave him directions to a tavern a few city's away, he was told it would take a couple of months to get to this city, he took the trip anyways. but as Sherman arrived to the tavern his Drinking problem got the best of him, He drank so much he blacked out and woke up in the streets naked and with no supplies. he's been begging and working hard for new equipment for a couple years now and is getting closer and closer to where he was. (Present)
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