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Everything posted by Kllmplz

  1. Kllmplz


    Duke Hansell was born in Helena, the capital of the Holy Orenian Empire. He was born in a family of farmers. Anyway, he had an older brother who joined the ISA (Imperial State Army). His father always wanted Duke to be a farmer so he could help in the family business. At first Duke started helping in the farm, when he turned 18 he went to hunt with a friend. It was at this moment when Duke knew he didn't wanted to work in the farm because he wanted to be a hunter. His family supported him so when he turned 23 he opened his own butchery.
  2. Kllmplz


    Duke Hansell was born in Helena, the capital of the Holy Orenian Empire. He was born in a family of farmers. Anyway, he had an older brother who joined the ISA (Imperial State Army). His father always wanted Duke to be a farmer so he could help in the family business. At first Duke started helping in the farm, when he turned 18 he went to hunt with a friend. It was at this moment when Duke knew he didn't wanted to work in the farm because he wanted to be a hunter. His family supported him so when he turned 23 he opened his own butchery.
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