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Everything posted by ViscountNicholas

  1. ViscountNicholas


    When Ytyx was born in The Realm of Elvenesse, nothing was off with him, he seemed to be a perfectly heathy child. His parents were loving, kind and incredibly religious, specifically following The Ancestors religion. they did everything they could to support him. During his youth, he was much weaker and frail than he looks to be now. Kids picked on him and Ytyx had didn't know how to defend himself, letting the bullies continue to harass him to the point of borderline assault. The children beated him with sticks and rocks until his skin gashed, resulting in multiple scars. Eventually Ytyx had enough and began working out to attempt to gain a more intimidating physique, the growth spurt also helped with this, eventually the bullying stopped when he reached about 24. He didn't have any money to purchase clothing with, so he just had to resort to stealing, becoming a bandit in the process, and not a successful one. By the time he was 27, he stopped stealing (mostly), trying to focus on getting a job in the culinary arts as soon as he could.
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