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Everything posted by hellatrashmeme

  1. hellatrashmeme


    Pippin's life began in the heart of Aegrothond beneath the summer moon. Memories of his mother streak his mind constantly from that time. She was the one that raised Pippin and instilled the passion for cooking in him. Everything was perfect for Pippin when his mother was there and growing up people would describe him as a very cheery child. Life darkened on the day she was taken from him. Pippin never knew his father and only ever heard whispers about him. All he knew was his mother was afraid of his father. He truly learned why she feared him on the day she was murdered. Pippin's father struck at night and young Pippin was the one to wake up and find her lifeless on the floor. This ripped Pippin away from the reality he was living. Color faded from everything around him after that. Cooking became the only way he could feel like his mother wasn't gone. She wanted to open a restaurant but couldn't afford it after Pippin was born. Ever since that day Pippin has been set on opening one for himself in his mothers honor. He couldn't stay in his hometown without being reminded of the trauma so he chooses to travel and seek better opportunities to further his dream. This has led him throughout the lands of Almaris over the years until now.
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