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Everything posted by P1tt3r5

  1. P1tt3r5


    My mother was a servant of nobility to a nobleman living outside a village relatively near by to Varhelm, my father was never in my life, the man my mother worked for had him executed in front of her once nobility found out my mother was pregnant with me. My mothers employer had an obsession over her. One night, I think it was my 8th year on this rock, I found him our nobleman whipping my mother to an extended cruelty, to punish her for "stealing bread" in all seriousness me and my mother had not stolen any bread, to sum that up I killed that man with fire poker. After that my mother couldn't look at me the same way, so she took her own life one night whilst i was sleeping. With no parents, and now no nobility controlling me, I was enlisted into the local militia where I was to hone my skills on the battlefield, however my training was brought to a complete stop one early evening when a group of say 50 bandits came and razed our village. It would be 2 years later, in my 20th year that i found out that group of bandits weren't bandits at all. It turns out that all those bandits were actually soldiers from a neighboring city, they were sent to destroy our town simply to capitalize on all the trade in the surrounding area, they were even ordered to dress as bandits to keep the nasty little plot hidden. For the rest of my life, if it kills me or not, I will purge all corruption from this world. Political or not.
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