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  1. Hunter_w


    Vattol Musk is an honest and helpful man that has been training to be a butler since he became 10 years old. His mother left him as a child and as a result of that his dad became an alchoholic that didn't beat him but he never aknowledged his existence either. So Vattol became a shadow in the dark, feeling helpless and useless, not being able to help his father nor anyone else. One day he saw a man at the market near his house, who was wearing a butler's uniform. Vattol saw the man was helping his master who was with him and also the butler was helping other customers with their stuff as well. He saw that the man helped not for personal gain, but for the feeling that you know you made someone's day a little bit better. That made him enlist as a trainee in the butler's academy. Now after 15 years of education and training he is ready to find his first master!
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