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Everything posted by Pelcivel

  1. Pelcivel


    Del'Darrin Grew up with foster parents, his own gave up up at birth so he didn't know anything about them. However they were nice enough to drop him off outside the gates of Elvenesse. It wasn't long before a guard heard the cry's of a young child and brought him within the walls. It wasn't long before he was given off to a family to be raised, growing up Del'Darrin's life was decently normal, his family life wasn't overly bad nor good, his foster parents didn't hold the secret that he was orphaned and left at the gates of their home. Growing up he wasn't that social, he was quiet, found himself getting into fights here and there, always saying what he thought, as he grew things seemed boring to him, stagnant even, However one day he happen to have a run in with some as he thought at the time, adventurers or to what they really were swords for hire. He found himself drawn to them so thus he followed them around asking question after question, one would think this would annoy them, however they found it rather nice. No one tended to care all to much so this young elf showing such an interest, they were happy to talk away and tell tails of their jobs. These talks would be the foundation that set the path for himself becoming a sell sword. As he grew through his teens the idea becoming an adventurer or sword for hire as he saw both one in the same. He did the only thing he could think off, attempt to train. However he could never get any real sword or a good wood one for that matter, you would always see him with a decent chunk of wood swinging it about, even spying on the guards copying them. He wasn't really the best but for himself it was good enough. Soon he reached eighteen a lot better with a stick yet still never held a sword, he was determined to finally leave, yet he wouldn't find himself doing it for another two years in fact. As much as he wanted to leave, he heard how much real swords were in the world, thus he worked whatever small jobs he could within the city and finally on his twenty's birthday he was ready. That same day he set out taking what little he owned with him setting out into the world to follow his dream, little did he know how big and difficult the real world is, how much he will struggle. But he is yet to learn these lesson's but as he leaves the safety of the main city he would yet find out.
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