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Everything posted by foul_beast

  1. foul_beast


    Born of an unknown family Anker was delivered to Talus Grove at the age of 5 . Thought Anker can remember bits and pieces of his prior family whenever he spoke to his caretakers they often times shrugged him off or gave very little information and was always told "you were given to us to provide you a better life". This posed an issue for Anker as he was often looked at as an outsider by many of his peers and spent many of his days alone despite his efforts to become everyone's friend. Often times his persistence becomes stand offish though not what he initially intends. After his initial integration in the community Anker had a relatively normal life. He spent most of his bearding stage learning about the history of Aegis and how the world came to be. Of course taking interest in dwarven history Anker began reading about the creation of all races on the account of wandering wizards. He learned of how the first man and woman bore four sons one of which all dwarves were born of, Urguan, and that at the time of corruption at the hand of Iblees they were cursed with greed and short stature. Along side the history of the realm and other druidic teachings Anker was able to learn some of the typical dwarven trades like Smithing, and Brewing, and a very small amount of guard training before deciding to pursue brewing which is where he got the name Cask-Heart as he loved his time at the brewer and truly enjoyed the creation of various meads and ales with his friends Keppe Alemun, and Knot Oaken-Hearth. He even enjoyed playing bartender once in a while, listening to gossip from tired travelers and merchants. One day after working a particularly long shift as the bartender a dwarf walks into the bar with very similar features to himself. The mysterious dwarf says in an almost motherly voice "by Urguan's beard I never thought I'd find a Mountain Dwarf so close to the Sands!" The two spoke through the night drinking ale and exchanged stories of events long past. Anker asked the dwarf where she hails from as many of his stories took place in places similar to those that lived in his memory. The mysterious Dwarf responds "The howling winds of the mountains call to you lad don't they?" while the sun rises behind her. She downs the last of her pint and walks to the door while saying "you should visit your fellow brethren some time it'll do you some good! Maybe you'll get me to pay back the bill" and promptly walks out the front door and vanishes before Anker can stop her. left with no heading but a hunger for knowledge Anker's journey begins.
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