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Everything posted by CaptainSteve457

  1. CaptainSteve457


    he is a dark wizard that almost took over the world but banished to the nether roof by the gods, and took away most of his power, he lived up there for many years his cloak torn up ragged the food or water dying but he used his last of his powers to send him self to the over world but could not bring his memory with him (as he goes on he will start to get flash backs and start regaining his powers his age 10,000 i have 5 skins what the guy could look live or turn into as he starts regaining his memory
  2. CaptainSteve457


    the parents were good wizards and saw that there son how was 8 would turn evil so they decided to kill him but he lived in secret the good wizards thought they killed him so know need to look into the future plus it took a lot of effort the soon to be loom fade climbed a mountain because he couldn't go back he found an abandoned house with lots of food and drinks so he survived of that and trained to use magic yet failing to he got angry at the world he desided to come down when he was 12 and realised he was allergic to coco beans so he started going how when a wagon full of then laded on him but he had to eat is to be ill so he staid there teaching him self with the books in the house realising when he was 18 that is was a safe house and realised that his kin was burning in the sun so he ran in the safe house and fond a navy cloak but a year after he put the cloak on he took it of he skin was black he was an a obiss with only eyes as he got sad and angry his yes turned red and when he called there were back green when he was 20 came down and hid in the shadows not to be seen taking the job as a assassin a bounty hunter till he was 34 taking the name as loom fade
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