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Everything posted by RooBeanzz

  1. RooBeanzz


    Skalvig has no surname. He knew little of his deceased father, except for the fact that his mother who always kept going on about how a great warrior his father used to be and how he had survived the trial of combat by defeating all 9 other brothers who sought his blood. At a ripe age of 5, though, his mother passed away, leaving him to fend for himself. Skalvig usually found himself in brawls, getting scrapes and bruises with other children due to his lack of parentage and him being an orphen. At night, he would find himself at the great hall, listening to stories of great warriors and other battles of the ages both historic and closer to the era. Enamored by these bold stories for over 2 years, he sets out of the village to find his own teacher, coming upon an old human hermit, who took him under his wing and taught him the ways of a sword. Seemingly talented and naturally skilled at weaponry, he quickly grew both in height and skill. Eventually outgrowing the sword bestowed upo him, the hermit decides to make him a battleaxe, worthy of fighting by the large stature of the orc he was quickly becoming. When he turned 14, he again set out, driven by his old dream of finding glory in battle and to enter into the throng of mighty warriors that preceeded him, including his own unknown father.
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