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Everything posted by 300PiNgPLZMeRcy

  1. 300PiNgPLZMeRcy


    Haguk was born in the war nation of krugmar, his mother was like any other orc mother and was relatively close to Haguk. However unlike his mother, Haguk didn't know his father well. After all his father was jumping around mating with every female orc in sight. Haguk's life was as simple as it could get waking up doing normal orc things, sometimes they would even raid an undead holding or two. However, unlike his fellow village mates, instead of brawling it out testing their physical strength and combat prowess, Haguk was in his room reading as many books as he could find. The village did not have a wide selection of books, therefore Haguk began reading everything in sight. The books he read ranged far and wide, from books which talked about never ending seas to philosophical books about what it means to be a good person. After all that reading, Haguk begin to build a strong moral compass. One day when Haguk was 15 years old, he was out around wandering the parameters of the village when he spotted a cute baby rabbit hopping along the side of the village fence. Not wanting the baby to get hurt Haguk took it in and begin nurturing it with love. Before long Haguk had found himself a cute companion. Though this friendship wasn't fated to last... On one fateful night Haguk came back upset, he had just lost his favourite book, Haguk sat at his bed upset at himself. However his pet rabbit snuck up on him and begin pestering him for food. At first Haguk simply pushed the little pest away but the rabbit persisted. No matter how many times Haguk had shoved it away it continued, after awhile Haguk could not take it anymore, with a quick swing the rabbit was dead, its remains splattered on walls of his rooms... Haguk spent the next few days contemplating his actions and reflecting on what he had just done. After that fateful afternoon, life in the village continued. However when Haguk was 23 years old, news begin to stir that a village battle was about to break out. Apparently one of the village’s adults had mistaken wandered into opposing territory while flushed and caused mischief there. The opposing village held him captive and refused to let him go without reparations. That was how it began. From there it escalated, now the two village were on the verge of war. A few nights later a conflict broke out and many were left injured, Hagrid being someone who despised the act of violence, decided to stay at the village while the others went out to fight. The next night when the others returned though victorious, they were left injured some came back with missing limbs while others in leather body bags, that was when Haguk asked himself the question. "Why?" It's been 12 years since and Haguk has decided to explore outside the confinement of his village, he seeks to gain strength and knowledge in order to gain the respect of his village elders and mend the violent ways of the village. He hopes one day he will grow strong and knowledgable enough to change the land of Ageis for the better. Now Haguk roams the land in a suit of armor( In order not to scare other races as orcs are normally seen as violent and scary) looking for worthy teachers and foes.
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