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Everything posted by fallgren

  1. fallgren


    he was born in travelling caravan wagon during his infancy he was a quiet child. his mother and father were travelers seek to find new lands to explore. he had one friend if you can call him a friend. we always found interesting things during our travels . we would collect items and trinkets during our childhood I was the only child in my family. my father would talk about the history of the land. my mother love finding new items in different lands. my childhood was always travel. during my teenage hood I got in to read book about historic land mark and some magic we didn't have a lot of books during our times. when we stop by villages or towns or cities I world try to go the library to read books but my father wanted me to train with the sword during our travel. one day me my friend found something it was a sword it was a old sword it was there of a long time. we bring it to my father for him to look see who sword was it he saw there was a name on it he couldn't make out want it said but I asked if I can keep it. he gave me the sword and he said to clean it and to sharpen to I was so happy to have a sword because sword are so expensive. when I hit my 19 years of age I was ready to leave to go out to explore the world on my own I was ready to start my adventures as an adult.
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