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Everything posted by bellakitty33

  1. bellakitty33


    Her dad was a wood elf and her mom was a high elf, they decided that it was best for her to live with other wood elf's because they feared that she would not be as accepted by high elf's. Her parents always loved each other and had never done anything to make Belle dislike them, she got everything she wanted. She had no siblings as her mother went through a very difficult labor with her. She was perfectly fine with having no siblings but it did get lonely and her parents did not like to let her go out or let friends come over, when they did it was always at there house and they couldn't do much. As a child she was very quiet and didn't have many friends. When she got older around the age of 15 she met a friend named Blair Mei, she was the best friend that anyone could ever ask for. As they grew up together Blair helped Belle to break out of her shell and make her life better in every possible way. When she turned 17 her parents pushed her to pursue more into her studies and stop going out as much with Blair. Belle was forced into her studies and resented her parents for taking her away from her best friend but she knew that as soon as she turned 18 she could move out and start a life with her best friend. Through her last year in her parents home she snuck out to hang out with Blair all the time. They would go to a special tree which everyone claimed had healing ability's but they have never seen it do anything. When her parents found this out they were angry but not as much as Belle thought they would be, her parents were rebellious in their youth so it wasn't a shook that their daughter could be the same. When she turned 18 she was ready to start her adventure with her best friend. Belle and Blair are now on a journey to find a place to call home.
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