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Everything posted by literally_nemo

  1. literally_nemo


    Elmorei grew up on her family farm with her older twin brothers and her parents. They were tree farmers, providing lumber for the nearby Brandybrook. Her parents had her working with the rest of them as soon as she could hold an axe; they're sometimes mistaken for dwarves. Even though she was the youngest, she was expected to keep up with her brothers, though not given as much freedom as they were. While they were going out to Drinking Nights, Elmorei was kept at home to do "womanly" things with her mother, like patching work clothes or making broth. Her favourite times as a child were when they all went down to the docks to sell lumber because she could explore the busy streets, play with other children, and - most importantly - talk to travellers. El is too young to remember the last Great Arcas Pumpkin Raid, so the isolated halfling settlement was stifling, not comforting as it was to many others. She wanted nothing more than to go with the travellers and see the fantastical world they spoke of, and they were her only reference for what that was like. When Elmorei was 20, her brothers came of age and left the tree farm for other jobs in Brandybrook, leaving her to carry the ever-growing pressure to take over the farm from her aging parents. It's very soon going to be her thirty-third birthday, and she plans to do something she's wanted to do her whole life: leave with a travelling ship and explore the world.
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