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Everything posted by alexpagella

  1. alexpagella


    Rikoris was born in a decently sized town of wood elves in the Forest of Irrinor. His family was well-off, his father being one of the strongest mages defending their territory, while his mother was half human, half wood elf, something that she had only told her husband after they had fallen for each other, and he did not push her away because she separated herself from her human side, though would sometimes hit her when reminded of it. Rikoris' father's pride in his race and affinity in magic was what damaged Rikoris as a child, as he had never been able to conjure any magic, he was declared a failure and often beaten by his father in his early years, unlike his two older siblings. One of the few things that kept him from leaving sooner was his caring mother, who was the only person in his family to not push him away, as it was a feeling they shared. A few months after his mother was diagnosed with a quickly progressing incurable illness, she told him how sorry she was for being so weak, and to live the way he wanted to once she was gone. He didn't truly understand what she meant until he received the news of her suicide the next morning. It took him over a year of grief before deciding to heed her advice and finally leave the town and what was left of his family, during that time losing his Wild Faith, as he would not worship any gods that had abandoned him. He had made up his mind that he was going to become a mage one day to prove everyone from his childhood wrong, even if he decided not to return at all.
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