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Everything posted by diordeath

  1. diordeath


    Lucien Ingram was born in The Free State of Sutica, by two human parents though one residing from the Holy Oren Empire. His father having lived a life of mostly strife and hardships, often taught Lucien about the realities and harsh environment he may have to grow up in though in Sutica those lessons were often shrouded away from the peaceful atmosphere of Sutica. Growing up around most kids, he picked up valuable lessons of friendship and gaining a bit of charisma. Everything was going well for Lucien but in his teens, it all felt boring, too boring for his adventurous taste and mind. In his late-teen years, Lucien would focus more on his swordsmanship with the passing swordsman through Sutcia; sometimes joining those men in hunts of bandits or monsters, these dangerous and risky occurrences helped fortitude and drive Lucien's to escape the Free State of Sutica and explore the world with only his sword and a few friends to back him up. Becoming a full adult meant for him to find a profession, thus he found that being a Sellsword or even a impoverished adventurer suited him best - his core belief in life being to find a greater purpose, this meant that he must find it himself. One night during a rainy day, Lucien packed his bags and left a note telling his parents he was off to sought a life of exploration in which he left Sutica to go out into the wild of Almaris.
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