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Cruel King

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Everything posted by Cruel King

  1. Cruel King


    Aedith Ventura comes from a wealthy family who expects a lot from him. Since he was just 12 his father taught him how to use a sword, how to deal with money, and how to hold himself in public. While he still practices all these traits, he picked up gambling on the side as a past time, which his father did not approve of. Most of his life was spent being trained by special trainers hired by his father, or his father himself. He never really had much experience outside of the safety of walls or gates. Aedith's father had hired scholars to teach him about the lands history. Aedith knows all about the accounts of the Black Scourge and the existence of the Deity. He was taught about the flora and fauna in the swamps to the deserts. His mother and father had unfortunately fell ill and left him alone in the world. Due to this, the other nobles cast him aside, stripping him of his wealth. Now he must use his knowledge to make his family name once again be a name associated with wealth.
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