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Everything posted by Orgoth

  1. Orgoth


    Ulvels T'rizers was abandoned as a baby. he was adopted by a farmer that found him near a lake. He started working as a farmer at the age of 10 and stopped at the age of 18 when he was attacked by some bandits while he was working , He was seriously injured by the bandits and the farmer that lived with him was not home when that happened. A random person that was walking near the house saw the bandits escaping, so he went to investigate the house that's when he found a seriously injured dark elf all alone , he took the dark elf to a healing center, after a year in the healing center, he was finally completely healed. when he left the healing center, he realized that he was far from the house where he lived, He walked around the city looking for a place to sleep. After many hours of looking, he found an inn. but the bandits stole his money so could not afford a room so he had to sleep outside. he woke up when the sun was rising, he managed to get some coins by helping some citizens. he realized he had enough to rent the room, he rented the room a few hours after. when he entered the room, he noticed a big book underneath the bed and he took it. after putting away the dust, he saw that the book was called "Elven Origins: Dark Elves", he was a dark elf, so he got curious. he was reading the book but he was so tired so he placed the book underneath the bed and he fell asleep, he only had money to rent the room for one night so early in the morning he left that inn. He stayed in that city for some months but he ran out of money so he could not stay there for much longer. before leaving he thought he could find something useful in the trash, so before the sun arised he started scavenging in the trash. sadly, the only useful thing he found was a book, he was dissapointed at first but the book was written about how to make potions so he started reading it and knew what he wanted to do as a job. that book had a lot of information about potions. weeks after leaving the city he was climbing a mountain to find a few ingredients, he was climbing when he stepped in a small rock and tripped, luckily he grabbed a giant rock, after coming down from the mountains, he developed his fear of heights. he never climbed a mountain again.
  2. Orgoth


    Orgoth had good parents, they loved him even knowing he was a dwarf, their names were Theobald and Emeline. he had no friends as a kid, everyone thought he was weird for being a dwarf. Orgoth loved his parents, they could've easily abandon him, but they didn't. When Orgoth parents died, the elves that saved him just gave him food and water and walked away quickly. he didn't know where to go after that. a farmer took care of him until he had enough age to take care of himself, he then worked as a miner at the age of 19 but stopped working months later because he wasn't making enough gold to at least buy a small piece of food, he then started working at an inn. that's when he met his orc friend, his orc friend started talking to him when he was leaving the inn, they talked every time Orgoth was leaving the inn. then months after, they became really good friends. Orgoth really felt bad when his orc friend died by some goblins. he couldn't help his friend because of his height, he couldn't hit them strong enough because the goblins could avoid his attacks easily. his friend told him to escape while getting attacked. Orgoth listened and ran as fast as he could, While running, he heard his friend last scream. He started crying at that point but knew he shouldn't stop running. While cleaning his tears, he fell in a deep cave and that's when his face got tear. after leaving the cave with his shirt morphed into a hood, he went to a store and bought that grey cowl that he wears nowadays, he stills blames himself for his friend's death, he blames himself because he couldn't do nothing to help his friend to defeat those goblins
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