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  1. Karena


    Kolona Roseleaf was born in The Silver State of Haelun'or as the sixth and last child in the family. She has 4 older brothers and an older sister. She grew up being loved and spoiled by the whole family and community. However, she was closest to her older sister Alona. Alona was an outcast in the Roseleaf family because her morals didn't align with that of Haelun'or. Unfortunately, Alona left the family when Kolona was at the age of 5. This was all the more the reason why her parents highered the standard for how she should behave herself and how she should live her life. Therefore, Kolona went to the prestigious college, The Eternal College, at an early age of 16. While attending, she also attended many extracurricular activities. As time went on, Kolona became more and more stressed and was confused about the purpose of her life. During the time that Kolona needed Alona the most, she wasn't there. Alona stopped visiting and never returned Kolona's letters. Kolona eventually finds out that this was due to the start of the Tenth Nordling War. Kolona started getting worried. So as soon as she turned 18, Kolona put everything down and left her comfortable life in search of her sister. She last heard that she was up in Norland at a town called Elysium.
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