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  1. TheFancyMans


    Philos, who traveled from Arcus during the migration in his sixties, retreated to an isolated house in The Free State of Sutica. There, Philos met and married another Dark Elf, who passed away during childbirth. Philos gave the boy the name Desmon, and loved him no matter what. When Desmon was four, Philos adopted two orphaned elves. Given the name Osma and Barron, the two would live together with Desmon. When the trio reached the age of ten, Philos began to teach them swordplay and basic education. However, when it was discovered Desmon had a better potential in combat ability, he was sent into the main city in search for a teacher. However, because of Desmon's impulsiveness, many mages and swordsmen were reluctant to teach him anything. Eventually a few years passed without any luck, resulting in Desmon quitting his search and returning home without learning anything. While continuing his training with Philos, Desmon began to see a rift between himself and his siblings, causing him to feel inferior and unsure of his abilities. This inferiority complex caused Desmon to find ways to make him stronger. This eventually led to Desmon to travel throughout Almaris at seventeen over the course of four years. However, after a mishap during his travels, a strange voice appeared itself in Desmon's head. Which caused him to head back home once again empty-handed. This caused Desmon to give up learning magic and becoming stronger altogether after the failures. After a year of this voice messing with Desmon mind and mood, this voice caused him to attack Osma. Defending herself, Osma injured Desmon's right eye, causing it to have a reddish color after healing. Taking full blame and fearing that he would harm his family further, Desmon ran off and became an adventurer in search for answers and a possible cure to the strange voice.
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