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  1. IronKam2001


    Growing up amongst the High Elves with his mother in the great nation of Haelun'or, Grael Fellkren was always a quiet and timid child. Due to him being a Dark Elf amidst a city where very few were like him, he was often bullied by other children, and even some adults. He never knew his father, as he died a few months before his birth, so he was raised by his mother, El'lena. She often told stories of the great adventures his father, Kren, took her on. His life was truly found within the world outside of city walls, and it would be that which would lead to his inevitable demise at the hands of a vicious group of bandits. As Grael grew older, he had a harder time making friends, so he generally kept his head buried inside of a book. When he was twenty-two, he discovered that his father had kept a private library hidden in the walls of their home. It was there he would find the adventuring journals of his father, chronicling his various expeditions. He would also discover his father's fascination with the lore of the world and its many secrets, hoping to one day uncover them. It was at this moment when Grael had found his purpose. He collected his fathers books and notes, packed everything up, and left his mother to set out across the world, carrying the legacy of his father. To Grael, this newfound purpose is the only true connection he feels he has to his father. His desire for knowledge is fueled by both his own curiosity and for his love towards the father he never had the chance to truly know. He hopes to develop some friendships along the way, but for now, he finds himself to be all alone.
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