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The Exemplar

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About The Exemplar

  • Birthday 08/04/2002

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    The Exemplar#3640
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    The Exemplar

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  1. The Exemplar


    Dorven Wimmel is a Wood elf though he was raised alongside the high elves. Dorven lived in a town called VeilRock which was an enormous rock where the high elves lived atop and the wood elves lived underneath connected with the trees. Dorven was a top tier archer in VeilRock and one of the best strategists there was in Aramoore (The Island VeilRock Existed). While Dorven was a natural learner his skills weren’t immediate but rather the doings of his fathers officials to create an unmatched king. His father, king of the underside of VeilRock, had been training Dorven since birth. House Wimmel was the ruling throne of the underside of VeilRock and Dorven was the heir to the throne. Although Dorven was grateful for his opportunity to be named king he couldn't help to think that his life could be more than just ruling half a rock. Due to this Dorven left VeilRock and started his journey to sea. His journey to sea took much longer than expected (4 years) and Dorven has lost his old noble ways and become more of an arm for hire. Dorven had learned unconventional ways of keeping afloat and became a wanderer to find his true path of greatness. Eventually find a port and leaving to the Sutica Harbor to find his path. Age; 29 Race; Wood Elf Strengths: Archery Strategy Hunting Woodwork Speech Stealth Natural Learner Weaknesses: Metal/HighEnd Stone Works Judgemental Holds Grudges Not Very Strong Easily Distracted Always in a rush
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