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Everything posted by Unsp0ken_G0d

  1. Unsp0ken_G0d

    Unsp0ken G0d

    Rorik Othunson was born in a small cabin in the mountains in northern Norland. From a young age his father Othun trained him with sword and axe and learned the way of the berserker. When they were not busy taking care of their family they were out training. His father taught him the importance of loyalty to their country their king and their religion. His mother Freya gave him a basic education but always told him he should aspire to learn more. At the age of 7 Rorik was able to hunt small game and by the age of 10 he was able to take down some big game. When Rorik was 14 his family was attacked by a group of goblin mercenaries his mother was taken by them and his father lost his leg. Even though he wanted to hate all goblins his father constantly reminded him that not all goblins where the same because of that he could never hate them but would never like them. His father died when he was 16 from an unknown cause and decided at that moment to leave that cabin in the mountains he called home and explore. On his journeys he met many people and fought in many battles and at one point tried mercenary work. At the age of 17 he met a woman Lorritha he grew fond of her which grew into love and spent an entire year with her until she betray him. She attempted to take his life while they where on the road. When she failed she took her own life and he watched as the woman he thought he loved disappear before his eyes. For a while he travelled alone constantly drinking but no matter what he swore he would never love again. He decided at that moment he would train to fight and serve his king. He from that point on he never backed down from a fight for he was to full of pride to let anyone step on him ever again. When he was 21 he traveled to the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, Rorik was ambushed in the forest on the brink of death a mysterious man came to his aid after fighting off the attackers the man treated Rorak and left at that moment Rorak swore to find that man and protect him protect him as long as he helped Rorik achieve his goals.
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