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Everything posted by FrostyLost

  1. Yeahhh im good ima just do something else cus that took me a long time like 5h but ok


  2. FrostyLost


    Archy and his sister akio were born as in a small town called calfin in 1997. both his parents had brown hair his mother had blue eyes and his father had green eyes. when his sister was born she was diagnosed with heterochromia which made her eyes one green one blue. soon years had past and archy was already 10 and going to school his sister was the same age. archy had been helping his dad with his work which was wood cutting but one day someone in the town asked about their ears not many people asked or said much about it before soon the town got more suspicious of the family but years went by and the town didn't do anything about it. but one day on archy's 18th birthday the town burned down their house because they found out they were elf's and killed archy's parents. archy tried to protect his sister but they ended up killing her archy some how got away and ran as fast as he could he left the town and he ran into the woods knowing he wouldn't be able to stay in the forest with out food but he also knew that the other village was miles away but he had to go so he did he started his walk through the forest having to watch his back. he was really hungry but in a few days he got to the town he went and got food after he got the food he decided he would have to stay in that town for a while. years went by now archy was 22 he decided he would fight as a boxer to make his money and was very good at it he had got him a house built in the woods by the town. but one day when he came home from his job his house and the town were burning he ran to the town to see what happened but everyone had been brutally murdered he quickly went to his house to see if anything was still there a few things were still there so he took his stuff got in his car and left he drove of for a long time stopping a hotels to stay at but soon he had gone to the city he was in texas the first thing he did when he got there was go to a hotel and check in he was going to go to the store to get food and he was going to look on his computer for a house. now he's 24 living a pretty good life going place by place to find his grandfather and get revenge for his family and his sister.
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