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Everything posted by Sparkle_26

  1. Sparkle_26


    My character was born of two wood elves with trust issues, they lived in a small human village for the first 6 years of Edraele's life. During those 6 years Edraele became friends with a couple human children, they would play together in the forest surrounding the village and chase rabbits. When Edraele turned 6 her parents finally snapped and packed up all there stuff to move farther into the forest completely alone and isolated. At first after the move Edraele was still allowed to play with the animals in the forest, then when her questions about her human friends became too much, her parents didn't allow her to leave the house. All Edraele had to play with was a small doll given to her by the human friends and books about every species and standard things like math, she could also talk to her parents but they got all twitchy and nervous when spoken too. For the first 4 years Edraele was content enough to read about her favorite Tall stories, like the Wandering Wizard, and decide whether or not they would reappear or stay lost forever. Eventually the self imposed stress became too much for Edraele's parents and they threw themselves into a well breaking their necks at the bottom, Edraele was 18 at the time. With her parents no longer oppressing her, Edraele started interacting with nature again and continued to live in the cabin alone. With the animals she felt less lonely but knew she would wish to reconnect with humans, so using her knowledge from the books Edraele read, she ventured into a different village at the age of 19.
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