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Everything posted by alfycat

  1. alfycat


    Alfy Applefoot was born one of many cousins of the Applefoot family and grew up in the cheery village of Brandybrook, but fled with his family on the Spicy Shrimp to the quiet town of Bramblebury after the disaster of Knox’O’Ween. Although he was too young to remember the specifics, an impression of the town in flames was left in his memory, founding a fear which would follow him throughout his life. In Bramblebury, his family made a quite living as farmers, and Alfy had a good childhood running about the brighter edges of the forest and helping his father bake his famous applefoot-apple pies. From this came his second encounter with fire, when he spilled a bottle of Applebrook Porter too close to his father's oven, resulting in a blaze that only singed the young halfling, but scared him mightily. He was not allowed to help near the oven for the few years that followed, but his love of pastries brought him back to the kitchen eventually, though more careful--and only slightly less klutzy--than before. He eventually left home to make his own way in the village of Bramblebury, with meager beginnings but a dream of sharing delicious baked goods with many people, and building a beautiful and comfortable home for himself. (Dhaelena#3818 and NotEvilAtAll#2321 approved me playing an Applefoot)
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