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Everything posted by WinterII

  1. WinterII


    Growing up Winter had it pretty decent and average although he did get teased a lot for the name but other than that he was an ok student and liked reading about religions and magic. although In his old city a war broke out and he had to leave their were several bombings through tnt and a flying brick from all the explosion's ended up hitting him in the back of the end knocking. after that he got ran over by a few people trying to escape although a bit ladder one of the invaders noticed him and decided to take care of him since he wasn't that old at the time when he woke up a few days latter he thought he was still at his house and tried to dash out the door but it was locked the lock was different from the one he was used too so he couldn't leave the house. Then he saw the man who saved him and asked him who he was and were his parents were. The man responded that flying debris from the bombs hit him and knocked him out and that his parents may have died in the explosion's set up. Then he said that winter was in a new village not too far away from were the bombings took place he also tried to slowly inform him that he was one of the people who set up the timed bombs. Winter used his speed advantage to get in a few shots at the man who fell back but was able to recover and blocked the incoming hits and tried to land a quick jab of his own but to his surprise winter dodged it and counter attacked stunning him for a second he then told him that his hits were not going to do enough damage to make any real effect and that he would need to realize that knowing it was true winter backed down. The man saw great potential in him and said he could teach him some basic things which winter accepted. He then told Winter that he would need a new name if he was going to survive here. Winter thought for a bit and came up with Winter The Second remarkably close to his old name Winter. Although he still fears that the higher ups might be able to link him to someone from the attack
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