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  1. Drageis


    Siol'taeleh Aver'andria was born to a mid-level family of dark elves in the old city of Helena before the continent of Arcas was abandoned. He was raised conventionally, learning the basic culture of dark elves including the importance of family, ancestors, martial discipline (weapon training), and so on. However, he found the more artistic expressions of his family were wasteful. Jewelry, fashion, art, were all seen as frivolous in comparison to the more practical applications of things such as magic or alchemy, the latter of which he took a particular interest in. Finding a mentor in a rather experienced alchemist, Siol'taeleh watched the them conduct multitudes of experiments and soon began preparing to join in his work once he was of age. These routine meetings soon drove a rift between Siol'taeleh and his family, as they never truly accepted his driven and single-minded view of the world. Though he shared their ambition, it was placed in a sense of practically rather then expression, working towards what he considered a more tangible goal, alchemical prowess. Soon he made a harsh departure and began devoting more of his life to aiding his mentor until the end of the 1st age. When the war that sent all his family and friends first struck Arcas, Siol'taeleh was left alone to fend for himself. While he escaped to Almaris he lost contact with his family and his mentor disappeared completely. While he managed to make contact with a few distant cousins, for the most part Siol'taeleh was alone, and he began to feel guilty about his actions. He considered his separation from his parents a sign he hadn't appreciated them as much, and sought to live more like them in the new world. He took to the more herbal sides of alchemy and studied at apothecaries, traveling across Almaris trying to find a place to officially begin his education as an alchemist. He figured he could carry on the legacy of his family through his work if he fused the two, an artistic expression with the medium of alchemy being the basis for his art, starting with the earrings his family had gifted to him as a young adult, which he had scorned in the past. Changing his name to Siol'taeleh Annil'andria, he decided that he would create a new legacy to follow in order to honor his family, his pride long since abandoned in order to survive. It was in this resolution that he realized that family was a much broader term than what he was taught, seeing people all across Almaris finding new family in other people sharing similar struggles. This brought solace to Siol'taeleh, and he decided that he would find a new family, and protect this one more closely than the last he so foolishly neglected. Amidst all this however, the notes of mentor still loomed over him, and still drawn by the allure of alchemy he decided the answers to the old alchemist's work would be paramount. Setting off to Siramenor where he planned to take up residence, Siol'taeleh looked to the future with a weary, yet ready gaze.
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