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Everything posted by Bodoque845

  1. Bodoque845


    Product of the marriage of an outcast family from that roamed the lands for shelter, Faelang was not as slim as expected but compensates with his brain. Before settling down they found a little dark elf that was left behind and we took her in. He had a family, even though it wasn't perfect. One night he got attacked and his parents sacrificed their lives so he and Ashradi (the dark elf girl) could escape. Now they must survive the harsh world, both in the loneliness of the forest, getting through with their honed skills. They will find the attackers of that night and they will try and bring the equity his parents teached him. Even so, Ashradi started to notice some malice in her once innocent friend Faelang, he is more sinked in justice than before and his naiveness is lacking. For example, he entertains the idea of Cosmic Correction and how chaos invokes more chaos until it undoes itself, so he would be the justice and the undoing of the unfairness he lived. Faelang perceives that the High Elves are behind his parents murder, they were happy even if they were exiled and one family of the High Elves, who despised Faelang'ss father, the Spelliath's family could be the puppet master behind it. The Hig Elves have a very egotistical perception of the world and Faleang's father with his open minded point of view was a bothersome trouble. Together, Ashradi and faelang they have a long path ahead but with the trust that they lay on each other, they can reach anything.
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