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Everything posted by dhubins7

  1. dhubins7


    Atsral came from a village barely mensioned on maps. Astral was left by the side of a tavern at the age of 5 and grew up an orphan who trusted nobody except for Rye Yanna who talked to the orphans nearly every day. They became freinds and talked most days for three years until she gave him a red scarf then soon left their quaint village. This then led to astral to become less and less sociable until he finally decided that when he would come of age he would leave this town. After deciding this astral read up on many places and their historical significance, looking these places up on maps aswell. The day he came of age he began his nomadic existence setting of on his journy towards the druid order trying to avoid Oren and Norland for the time being knowing of there conflict in the past. he brought with him the red scarf rye yanna gave him as he still treasures it to this day. astral went on to hop from city to city never settling for more than 7 days and trying to avoid as much social contact as possible. along his journey he has encountered many problems leaving scars across his body which led him to wear his suit of armour and not take it of. (i gained permission from the person who plays rye to be freinds with them in game)
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