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Everything posted by LilUziVert

  1. LilUziVert


    My character grew up very poor. The Schism war destroyed my family's business and we were forced to move with only what we could carry on our backs. In the years following the war, my family tried to build back some of their business but were constantly rejected and belittled by the townsfolk of Aegrothond. As a result, my family stayed poor and taught me to read and write themselves. I worked as early as I could to help my family provide, but even then we always just scraped by. As I grew up I left my family and found my own way in the world, doing small jobs hunting or fishing to make coin to feed myself. Then at 17, while I was traversing the woods outside the city, I found an old hermit, and he offered some shelter and food to me. We talked more and became good friends and he eventually decided to adopt me. I worked under him and was like his apprentice, learning what I could from him and progressing my skills. Two years went by and my skills have greatly grown because of having him as a mentor.
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