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Everything posted by alvaro16lf

  1. alvaro16lf


    Gondlil was born in Karinah´siol , his grandfather fought for the harlenunorians. He comes from a pure mali´aheral family his father Silflil was the bodyguard of a laurir of the south and his own haelun was from laurir blood. He spent most of his childhood between the marble walls of the capital, learning all that a good mali must learn. As he reached the age of 12 his father and his uncle trained him in the ways of the sword and the bow. When Gondlil was 24 he accompanied his uncle in a journey to the lands of the valah where he wanted to meet an old friend. They took a ship and set sails to the south of the orenian empire, however a few days later they were caught in a storm and a lighting hit the sails of the ship, burning all of the ship and most of the passengers including Sinfol, his uncle. Gondlil was left adrift until a group of valah fishers saved his life. He was assited by them at their village for many moons and in exchange for their help he aided them to fight against a group of pirates that had been tormenting the small village. Gondlil walked all the way to the capital of Oren fighting numerous bandits and beasts on his way and struggling to find food and a safe place to rest. He arrived home a year after his departure and was warmly welcomed. The next 10 years, glondlil trained with his father and joined the local guard, but after having seen so much of the world this kind of life didnt satisfy Gondlil so he asked his father permission to left the capital and travel. Although it wasnt granted he left and sought work as a sellsword for pity valah nobles and as a common soldier in many of the man wars.
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