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Everything posted by Pilonexces

  1. Pilonexces


    I was an average sized baby for a dwarf being born into a mining family, among the metal and gems. For some time I was taught the way of the dwarves and any dangers that may await me later in life. Once I was old enough I was mining and training with a small Warhammer that gradually got bigger as I grew, along with my appetite. Being trained from a young age of 7 as the son of a warrior/smith father and a mining mother I was bound to be strong. My parents are said to be decedents of Yemekar the maker and Anbella the hearth mother. With hearing of that I challenged myself to become one who embodies their traits of home and protection, and to make myself a great defender of wherever I may settle after leaving my parents protection looking for a great group hoping to be a founder in a new clan. That is my story of how I got here, now where's an inn.
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