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Everything posted by NRGKing

  1. NRGKing


    Arthurius was born in a poor house in Oren to two parents. Two years later, his brother Lunair was born. They both enjoyed not doing a lot of stuff at home until they moved to a cabin in the middle of the woods. One night, his brother Lunair was given the task of gathering wood for the family, and he was attacked by a goblin. This mentally scarred both Lunair and Arthurius, Lunair was left with a fear of the dark, and Arthurius was left with a fear of his family being hurt. After this, Arthurius dedicated his life to hunting those who attack his family. When he was 15, his parents told him to join the Imperial State Army, but he adamantly refused. They eventually tried to force him to join when he was 18, but he left them with an ultimatum, they let him not join or he leaves their household. They elected to let him stay in their house. Later that year, he moved on to training in combat with people he met in Oren. He learned how to use all the basic weapons at 20, and has adventured around Almaris for the past 4 years. He eventually settled down in the Rustlers, selling his battle prowess.
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