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Everything posted by PolarAntics

  1. PolarAntics


    Arabella was born on a rainy cold day on the 14th day in the amber cold to her parents, her mother a human and her father a high elf. Arabella lived with her mother on a small farm in Hanseti-Ruska, her mother taught her how to cook and bake delicious treats like pie and cookies. However things were going well for Arabella until their house was burned down in a tragic fire, the cause of the fire was unknown but Arabella's mother thinks she might have left a fire going before they went to bed. Arabella's mother was low on funds and had no choice but to send Arabella to live with her father in Haelun’or. However Arabella was resented by her father as she was seen as a imperfect hybrid by him. Arabella's life was rather traumatic as she lived with her father constantly telling her she will never be a full elf, and that she was imperfect for being half human. Her parents were never fully together and she was an accident that occurred between them. This caused her to resent her father and high elves, making her embrace her human side much more. Arabella is just trying to find her place in the world and somewhere to live while also trying to live out her dreams. While out and about she met a dark elf named Raven Esprell who she became very close with. The two formed a sisterly bond and view each other a family despite being polar opposites. Raven is much meaner and aggressive while Arabella tries to be kind and understanding. Despite this Arabella can be rather reckless and stubborn, often not thinking before she acts and getting in dangerous situations often. She doesn't exactly have a nation or home she belongs to yet, as she left her home in Haelun’or in hopes of finding somewhere that will accept her for who she is. The last name Edenbird comes from her mother's side, her family being much lesser known due to its small size. Currently Arabella wanders Almaris with Raven looking for her forever home. Arabella tends to label herself as just a human despite her obvious pointed ears and lighter hair color. Arabella knows both Common and a bit of Ancient Elven from living in Haelun’or most her life.
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