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Everything posted by Lillybunnyun

  1. Lillybunnyun


    (The server lore wiki page doesnt exist so i came up with most lore) For as long as she can remember, Leaiel has been enchanted by the simple yet intricate magic of the natural world, and for just as long brought her the only source of comfort and joy that would have otherwise been found in the calming walls of a home, the loving arms of a mother or playful hands of a sibling. For her entire life she has searched her memory, trying to find any hint or clue as to why she has been alone. Time after time, however, all that comes to her are those first memories of waking up in the soft tendrils of clover that cover the small rabbit's den hidden between the sturdy roots of an ancient King Oak. Unfortunately, this long eluding desire for familial love has sparked a deep burning passion, bordering on obsession, on a quest to find just that- love. True, deep, beautiful, all-encompassing, unconditional infinite love.
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