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Everything posted by Admiral_kartoffel

  1. Born in a small backwater town called shallowater. Born a single child Ardan grew up burdened by constant manual labour to assist his mother fulfill their production quotas for their local baron. He never knew his father as he was levied into the military shortly before he was born, as far as Ardan know his father's either dead or has found a new family somewhere else. At the age of 14 abandoned his old life and moved to Kesograd to attempt to make a name for himself, Ardan quickly becoms dissilusioned of his hopes to gain fame and wealth in the city and learns the harsh reality for people like him. He then lives the life of a common thief, stealing a few apples here and there tosimply stay alive. It's not until several years later where he joins a group of roof hopping thives that his luck begins to change. After joining this small guild the jobs he takes up have led him to aquire certain skills and traits, no longer will Ardan steal petty items like apples and a few coppers here and there, he'll take straight from the homes of the wealthy without them ever even seeing him.
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