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  1. _Frill_


    Fabian Colon is 18 and is from the Kingdom of Norland. Fabian grew up with both parents in the Kingdom of Norland and from a young age was extremely poor not having much food or water and most of the time going to bed with an empty tummy. His family lived in the poor regions so Fabian wanted to prove himself to his parents and take care of them so he had to start getting into shady business when he hit his teenage years. The shady business was selling illegal weapons for people as well as stealing anything he could get his hands on. Within the walls of the kingdom he was making him enough money to provide for his family and they didn't question once where he was getting his money from. This later had effect on him as one day when he stole bread from a bakery he was caught by two guards who held his parents responsible for his crimes in his upbringing. Fabian's parents were later kicked out of the Kingdom without Fabian, having no where to go and Fabian never seeing them again. With Fabian having no one now and no where to go inside the Kingdom he was heart broken roaming the streets at midnight walking into an alleyway where three men that looked like they were in their early 20s approached him. As they beat him to almost death and begun taking all his stuff an elderly man lurked behind them watching as he was on the verge of death. The elderly man used some sort of magic injuring the three young men which had them startled bolting away. Fabian thanked the elderly man and expressing how he had no one left so the elderly man came to the conclusion to look after him until the elderly man died when Fabian hit 18 years old.
  2. _Frill_


    Fabian Colon is 25 and is from the Kingdom of Norland. Fabian grew up with both parents in the Kingdom of Norland and from a young age was extremely poor not having much food or water and most of the time going to bed with an empty tummy. His family lived in the poor regions so Fabian wanted to prove himself to his parents and take care of them so he had to start getting into shady business when he hit his teenage years. The shady business was selling illegal weapons for people as well as stealing anything he could get his hands on. Within the walls of the kingdom he was making him enough money to provide for his family and they didn't question once where he was getting his money from. This later had effect on him as one day when he stole bread from a bakery he was caught by two guards who held his parents responsible for his crimes in his upbringing. Fabian's parents were later kicked out of the Kingdom without Fabian, having no where to go and Fabian never seeing them again. With Fabian having no one now and no where to go inside the Kingdom he was heart broken roaming the streets at midnight walking into an alleyway where three men that looked like they were in their early 20s approached him. As they beat him to almost death and begun taking all his stuff an elderly man lurked behind them watching as he was on the verge of death. The elderly man used some sort of magic injuring the three young men which had them startled bolting away. Fabian thanked the elderly man and expressing how he had no one left so the elderly man came to the conclusion to look after him and teach him the way of magic until he was 18 years old.
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