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Everything posted by Rania

  1. Rania


    Rania was born in an elven city, to parents that owned a bar where musicians from all over the kingdom would regularly perform. Having been inspired by them, toddler Rania mimicked their mannerisms and songs while watching the performances. Her parents quickly noticed this, and sent her to music academy. Her tuition was very expensive, so Rania felt a lot of pressure to perform well. Rania doesn't really fit the description of a typical high elf, she is very social and friendly and not cold at all. She is also naive, which led to her peers treating her as a lesser elf and ignore her. This led to Rania feeling isolated and depressed. At first she was top of the class, but in her last year, Rania's mental illness took over. Her grades dropped and she was expelled from the academy. This caused a falling out between her and her parents, which led to Rania running away, where she met Halamar who rescued her from bandits. Admiring his determination and confidence, Rania followed Halamar on his journeys, much to his anoyance. But the two eventually formed a close bond. Halamar and Rania now travel the land of Halamar together, both hoping to fulfill their dreams.
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