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  1. Aphrodiitea


    Eadaelah Zafeiriou was born on December 21st to a strict mother, Lady Daerenia Zafeiriou. She was always remarking on the young Eadaelah, keeping her posture and attitude high and respectable. She believed in nobility no matter what title she had. Whether it was a comonomer, or someone of higher status. Of course this meant she rubbed off her dear old mother a bit, only adding to why she acts as high as she does now. Though her father was out of the picture, since he had died in the result of bad timing in his travels. He was meant to return, however, ceased to as got stuck in the middle of the battle that ensued in the City of Alras from the Undead. With no other option he helped fight in honor, as he was not the coward to simply run off. Though her mother remains alive to this day. Issues arises when a fire appeared in the home of the Zafeiriou's, a large fire that ended up temporarily crushing Eadaelah's legs, however, she was lucky enough to have healed properly enough for her to heal. However she is usually seen with a walking stick or taking breaks from walking from aching pain that occurs after too much activity. Eadaelah would have many friends growing up, however slowly detached from them as life went on. One of her best friends, Dinair, actually helped her in school in the temporary period where she could not walk. She has good education to pass through life, as she was a fairly good student overall. Eadaelah also has an especially strong interest in soul essence and everything that is to come with it. Such as the blueprints to clay life, and how it is made and formed.
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